Third Person Point of View
Our Theme for this meeting is the first in a series of three that deal with Narrative Points of View.
February 24, 2021
Pacing continued
This meeting consists of a discussion that is based on books we’ve read.
February 10, 2021
A story that is well-paced holds the readers attention from beginning to end.
January 27, 2021
Writing for the Emotions
How to elicit an emotional response in your reader — just in time for Valentine’s Day.
January 13, 2021
The Challenge: write a nonfictional piece using some of the techniques we discussed techniques at the meeting.
December 9th
Our Christmas Party
Come prepared to tell us about your all-time favourite book. Was it plot-driven or character-driven, or both? Why did you like it?
November 25
Character vs Plot driven stories
The Challenge: for December 10th, write a short story or poem that is driven by both the plot and the characters.
November 11
Your Hero’s Emotional Inner Journey
The Challenge: for November 25th, write a short story or poem that enlightens us as to the hero’s Emotional Inner Journey.
March 10
Meeting cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic, covid-19. All writers encouraged to participate in isolation art.
February 25
Internal dialogue, inner monologue
The Challenge: write a story or poem using internal dialogue.
February 11
The Challenge: write a story or poem that uses symbolism.
January 28
Self Promotion, you are a writer
The Challenge: write your elevator pitch and your artist statement with intention to promote yourself and your own writing.
January 14
Character Development, Dialogue and Subtext
The Challenge: place your same two characters into a situation where they get lost. Write their dialogue using subtext to reveal the true reasons for their conflict with one another.
December 10
The Writers’ Nook Christmas Party
We enjoyed a most delicious Chinese food luncheon followed by a special bookclub-style discussion on The Medicine Walk by Richard Wagamese. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
November 26
Character’s Development using Dialogue
The Challenge: using your two previous characters put them into a given situation and write their dialogue; be sure that what they say reflects their characters.
November 12
Character Development, Backstory
The Challenge: using an image or a physical description of a character in a book, write a non-physical/character description of this person and tell us their backstory.
October 22
Character Development, First Impressions
The Challenge: using an image write a first impression physical description and a non-physical description of this person.
October 8
This is the initial meeting for the 2019–2020 Season. The Hot Topic today was, What is the Difference between Story and Plot, and does it really matter.
The Writers’ Nook is a safe and positive environment in which to learn more about the art of writing.