A story that is well-paced holds the readers attention from beginning to end.
January 27, 2021
Writing for the Emotions
How to elicit an emotional response in your reader — just in time for Valentine’s Day.
January 13, 2021
The Challenge: write a nonfictional piece using some of the techniques we discussed techniques at the meeting.
December 9th
Our Christmas Party
Come prepared to tell us about your all-time favourite book. Was it plot-driven or character-driven, or both? Why did you like it?
November 25
Character vs Plot driven stories
The Challenge: for December 10th, write a short story or poem that is driven by both the plot and the characters.
November 11
Your Hero’s Emotional Inner Journey
The Challenge: for November 25th, write a short story or poem that enlightens us as to the hero’s Emotional Inner Journey.
March 10
Meeting cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic, covid-19. All writers encouraged to participate in isolation art.
February 25
Internal dialogue, inner monologue
The Challenge: write a story or poem using internal dialogue.
February 11
The Challenge: write a story or poem that uses symbolism.
January 28
Self Promotion, you are a writer
The Challenge: write your elevator pitch and your artist statement with intention to promote yourself and your own writing.
January 14
Character Development, Dialogue and Subtext
The Challenge: place your same two characters into a situation where they get lost. Write their dialogue using subtext to reveal the true reasons for their conflict with one another.
December 10
The Writers’ Nook Christmas Party
We enjoyed a most delicious Chinese food luncheon followed by a special bookclub-style discussion on The Medicine Walk by Richard Wagamese. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
November 26
Character’s Development using Dialogue
The Challenge: using your two previous characters put them into a given situation and write their dialogue; be sure that what they say reflects their characters.
November 12
Character Development, Backstory
The Challenge: using an image or a physical description of a character in a book, write a non-physical/character description of this person and tell us their backstory.
October 22
Character Development, First Impressions
The Challenge: using an image write a first impression physical description and a non-physical description of this person.
October 8
This is the initial meeting for the 2019–2020 Season. The Hot Topic today was, What is the Difference between Story and Plot, and does it really matter.