May 18, 2022

The Writers’ Nook is a place where we, as a group, can provide a safe and positive environment in which to encourage one another and hone our own writing skills.

Selected Poetry

Is it important to analyze poetry? No, of course not. You can enjoy poetry, or even write poetry without analyzing it. But doing so can lead you to a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work, and for the art of writing. It also allows you as a reader to experience what the poet is writing about and if you, the reader, is able to relate to the story, it becomes richer and can give you a certain level of comfort.

This meeting will be held via zoom at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 Blind Bay Time (aka Vancouver Time). If you would like to join our group, please contact us. Your first meeting is free.


Your Challenge before our next meeting on June 1st is to:

  • find a poem that you enjoy. One that’s been written by an author other than yourself, and share it with us either by linking to it online or by copying it out. Let us read it. OR
  • Do as immediately above, then if you can, add your own personal short analysis of it to tell us what YOU get out of it. In our comments we will try to add to your analyses, OR
  • write a poem or short story that we can use to attempt do our own personal analysis of when we post our comments (or just in our own minds).


A poem with analysis shared by Karen Lesli
Poems written by Shirley Bigelow DeKelver, from her archives.
A poem with an analysis found and shared by Joyce Adrian Sotski

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