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The Perigean Project

What informs your art? Where does your inspiration come from? For me, it comes from many places. Often the source is another art form in another medium. When I see, or hear, good art it’s like a gravitational force that pulls at me in a most exciting way, inspiring me to create — like the moon in its perigee state pulling at the ocean to create tide — hence the name, Perigean Project.

— room enough for a whole community to play —

The initial inspiration for this project is literature, Canadian literature. Have you ever noticed how many really good Canadian authors we have? Sometimes the writing is so vivid that a scene from a novel becomes an image, like a tiny moment of time from the life of the book, that’s imprinted onto your mind. In the Perigean Project we are going to carry this one step further. We’re actually going to create some of these images!

Our pallet is digital, the paint brush is a camera and the finished product will be an e-book. Our models will be live and local — perhaps even you! The images will be staged in various public places throughout the Shuswap.

Would you like to come play with us? What art forms do you work in? Do you compose music, write poetry or dance? Does literature inspire you? We can include video and audio in our e-book. We need artists in many mediums.

We need set designers, costume and makeup artists, actors, models and many different and unique props. The authors have written about many different peoples and cultures in the world. It’s understandable therefore that we are looking for models to portray many cultures — First Nations, Japanese, Myanmarese (from Myanmar formerly known as Burma), Sri Lankan, and more — people with red hair, black hair, old people, young people and even green people.

Would you like to come play with us? Contact us.


© The Third House, 2015
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